- amberjack
- 1) Ихтиология: желтохвост (Seriola), сериола (Seriola)2) Рыболовство: лакедра, сериола, желтохвост (Seriola spp.)
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
amberjack — ☆ amberjack [am′bər jak΄ ] n. pl. amberjacks or amberjack [ AMBER + JACK (fish): from its color] any of several large food and game yellowtail fishes (genus Seriola) found in the warm waters of all oceans … English World dictionary
Amberjack — Taxobox name = Amberjack image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes familia = Carangidae genus = Seriola Amberjack is the name of 3 species of Atlantic fish of the Carangidae family, which… … Wikipedia
amberjack — amberfish am ber*fish , Amber fish Am ber fish ([a^]m b[ e]r*f[i^]sh ). (Zo[ o]l.) Any of several amber to coppery fork tailed warm water carangid fishes of the genus {Seriola}, especially a large vigorous sport fish of the southern Atlantic… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amberjack — /am beuhr jak /, n., pl. (esp. collectively) amberjack, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) amberjacks. any of several yellow to coppery fork tailed fishes of the genus Seriola, as S. dumerili of warm Atlantic waters. Also called… … Universalium
amberjack — /ˈæmbədʒæk/ (say ambuhjak) noun (plural amberjack or amberjacks) a sportfish, Seriola purpurascens, of the east and west coasts of Australia, closely related to the yellowtail kingfish. {amber + jack1} Usage: For variation in the plural… …
amberjack — noun Etymology: from its color Date: circa 1893 any of several carangid fishes (genus Seriola); especially a large vigorous sport fish (S. dumerili) of the western Atlantic … New Collegiate Dictionary
amberjack — noun Any of several large food and game yellowtail fishes of genus Seriola found in the warm waters of all oceans … Wiktionary
amberjack — spiny finned Atlantic sport fish Unusual Animals … Phrontistery dictionary
amberjack — noun a large game fish with a yellowish tail, found in inshore tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic and South Pacific. [Genus Seriola: several species.] … English new terms dictionary
amberjack — am·ber·jack … English syllables
amberjack — am•ber•jack [[t]ˈæm bərˌdʒæk[/t]] n. pl. (esp. collectively) jack, (esp. for kinds or species) jacks. ich any of several yellow to coppery carangid fishes of the genus Seriola, as S. dumerili of warm Atlantic waters • Etymology: 1890–95; amber… … From formal English to slang